The Gotham Comics' 20th Anniversary Celebration kicks off May 20th! Join us for an afternoon of food, fun, games and prizes. Starting at 12 noon and running until 6 pm we'll be demoing six different games. You don't have to bring anything, you don't have to know anything about the game, we'll take care of all that. If you win any of the games you play you'll win a prize. Best of all this is all 100% free. From 12 to 2 enjoy Senet and King of Tokyo, then from 2 to 4 play Smash Up and Dice Throne and finally from 4 to 6 try Dungeon and Treasure Island.
At 6 pm we'll switch gears and move from family friendly games to a game of Magic Commander. Sixteen players will compete over two rounds in this official Magic tournament for prizes and glory. This will be the first in a series of four tournaments to crown the Gotham Comics' Magic Champion. Spaces are limited for the Magic tournament so, advance registration is strongly suggested. The cost for this tournament is $5 plus tax per player.
If you don't feel like playing games you can still sign-up for the door prizes. We'll be pulling out winning names from noon until 10 pm. That's 11 winners in all and you don't need to be present to win. Gotham Comics will be open from 11 am to 11 pm on Saturday the 20th, that gives you plenty of time to come in and join the fun. If you have any questions contact Gotham Comics at 410-848-7447 for more information.