Gotham will be holding a Magic Pauper tournament on Saturday March 29th starting a 1 pm. The cost to play is just $5.00 and the tournament will be limited to 16 players, so advance registration is strongly suggested. If you don't register in advance you can come in on Saturday the 29th before 1 pm and still get in on the fun if there are spaces available. In addition to winning some cool prizes everyone who plays in the tournament will be able to preorder one item from the red hot Final Fantasy Magic set that is coming out in June. Based on demand and a limited supply when the set first releases this maybe your only way to preorder any. Don't miss out, this is your chance to play, have fun, preorder some Final Fantasy product and maybe win some prizes. If you have any questions or to reserve your spot in the tournament contact Gotham Comics at 410-848-7447.