Originally I was going to do a review of Kirby Genesis #0 but it sold out so quickly I didn’t even get a chance to read it much less write a review. It’s just as well, when I did get Kirby Genesis #0 back in and got to read it I realized it was really more a preview book then anything else. Sure the zero issue gives you some background information and quick glimpses of many of the characters but the story really doesn’t get going until issue one.
A lot of time in Kirby Genesis #1 is spent introducing the two main protagonists through whose eyes we see events unfold. The pair seem rather cookie cutter in nature Kirby is the uber smart, serious, cautious and somewhat nerdy guy while childhood friend Bobbi is the attractive, super popular, risk taking, party girl. SPOILER WARNING As I stated it is through Kirby and Bobbi that we see events unfold and a lot unfolds in this issue. We see two giant space being appear over St. Paul, a super-soldier shows up in Afghanistan and a super advanced city is found buried under Chicago. Then there are also U.F.O. sightings, Bigfoot caught on video and an appearing/disappearing island in the Pacific. Did I mention aliens landing in Wyoming followed close behind by sexy female alien bounty hunters in Montana? END SPOILER WARNING
I’d tell you more and there is more but I think I’ve told you enough. This issue did not focus on any one event long enough to go into any detail so nothing really made me sit up and say wow. Still, some of the images where intriguing enough to make me want to come back for another issue. Cool looking characters will not be enough to keep me interested for long so writer Kurt Busiek needs to start fleshing out at least some of these events right away. The most I can really say right now is that this series does have potential. I’ll give it another issue or two to see if it lives up to that potential.
Keith Forney